Environmental School

Environmental Consultants.                                               Topic.                                                            Area.

Linda Houston         Soil Health                                                     CMO

Linda Bolhofner                          Invasive Trees and Plants                        ECD

Susan Reed                                                                                 Native Gardening for Pollinators          ECD

Gloria Whyte                                                                             Soil Health                                                       ECD

Environmental School 2025 Zoom: Course 2, Land

March 24-27, 2025 Four afternoons on Zoom

Sponsored by National Garden Clubs and the Federated Garden Clubs of Missouri

This school is open to garden club members and the public.

Learn in depth from experts on climate change, energy waste, food security, naturescaping, trees,
insects and small mammals, fungi and more. The course is from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm CST.
It includes twelve hours of fact-based information.

Previous courses in the series are not a prerequisite.

Our speakers include university faculty, non-profit representatives,
researchers and government agency representatives.


$45.00 for test & refresh

$40.00 - no credit, non-refresh

We recommend the text: Living in the Environment, G. Tyler Miller, any more recent edition.
It is also available as an e-book. This book is used for the four courses: Ecology, Land, Air
and Water. PDFs of a previous edition are available to students as a means to make this
course and content accessible to all.

For more information: Jan Conant, State Chair, djconant@msn.com

Gloria Whyte, Co-chair and Registrar, environmental.school758@gmail.com

Please use this brochure link for more information and to complete your registration.

Form 6 Consultant Application for Accreditation 

Form 7 Consultant Refresher Accreditation Application

Environmental School - Online & Across the Country

Interested in speeding your journey to certification?  

Attend remote classes and network with folks from across the country! 

Information can be found on the NGC Environmental School Courses page.

Curious about the general program at the national level?  Learn more here.