The Garden Forum

Choose THE garden forum issue you wish to view from the links below:

Fall 2024

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Winter - Jan 2024

Deadlines for submission of content including advertisements are:

October 31 (Winter Issue available early January)

January 31 (Spring Issue available early April)

April 30 (Summer Issue available early July)

July 31 (Fall Issue available early October)

Advertising Options for Clubs and Commercial Firms

Contact: Frances Busby,

THE Garden Forum Advertising Rates

Ads Available for FGCM Clubs and Their Members

(Black and White Only)

 Ad Size                       Price

1” H x 2” W           $15  

2” H x 2” W           $30

3” H x 2” W           $45

2” H x 5” W $60 (equals 1/4 page )

                      Ads Available for Commercial Firms

Ad Size               Black & White Color

2” H x 5” W (1/4 page) $60 $75

3.75” H x 5” W (1/2 page) $120         $150

7.5” H x 5” W (Full page) $240 $300

A 10 percent discount is given for any commercial advertisement running in four consecutive issues (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall) and paid in full by January 31.

For further information or assistance with sizes, wording, or layout of advertisements, contact Elaine Fix, Adverting Manager, THE garden forum, Please make checks payable to FGCM, Inc., and mail to:

Elaine Fix, Advertising Manager

THE garden forum

205 Williamton Drive

Winfield, MO 63389